Please note: This list may be outdated. The PDF version of my C.V. is more reliable.

In Progress (working papers)

  • "Training Machine Learning to Anticipate Manipulation." (with Daniel Björkegren and Samsun Knight). Revise and Resubmit, American Economic Review [pdf].
  • "(Machine) Learning what Policies Value." (with Daniel Björkegren and Samsun Knight). Revise and Resubmit, Review of Economic Studies [pdf].
  • "Insecurity and Firm Displacement: Evidence from Afghan Corporate Phone Records." (with Tarek Ghani, Sylvan Herskowitz, Ethan B. Kapstein, Thomas Scherer, and Ott Toomet). Conditionally Accepted, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy [pdf].
  • "Privacy Guarantees for Personal Mobility Data in Humanitarian Response." (with Nitin Kohli and Emily Aiken). Nature Scientific Reports.
  • "Probing the Limits of Mobile Phone Metadata for Poverty Prediction and Impact Evaluation." (with Oscar Barriga Cabanillas, Daniel Putman, and Travis Lybbert). Conditionally Accepted, Journal of Development Economics.
  • "Instant Loans Can Lift Subjective Well-Being: A Randomized Evaluation of Digital Credit in Nigeria." (with Daniel Björkegren, Omowunmi Folajimi-Senjobi, Jacqueline Mauro, and Suraj Nair). Accepted, Economic Development and Cultural Change [pdf].
  • "Measuring Religion from Behavior: Climate Shocks and Religious Adherence in Afghanistan." (with Oeindrila Dube and Michael Callen). NBER Working Paper w30694 [pdf].
  • "Estimating impacts with surveys vs. digital traces: Evidence from randomized cash transfers in Togo." (with Emily Aiken, Suzanne Bellue, Dean Karlan, Chris Udry). NBER Working Paper No. 31751 [pdf].
  • "Strengthening Fragile States: Evidence from Mobile Salary Payments in Afghanistan." (with Michael Callen, Anastasia Faikina, Stefano Fiorin, Tarek Ghani). CESifo Working Paper Series 10510 [pdf].
  • "Satellite and Mobile Phone Data Reveal How Violence Affects Seasonal Migration in Afghanistan." (with Xiao Hui Tai, Shikhar Mehra, and Suraj Nair). Revise and Resubmit, Nature Communications.
  • "Moving targets: The role of model and data recency in proxy means test accuracy." (with Emily Aiken, Tim Ohlenburg). Working Paper [pdf].
  • "Big Data Privacy in Emerging Market Fintech and Financial Services: A Research Agenda." (with Nitin Kohli). CEGA Working Paper Series 231 [pdf].
  • "The Impact of Digital Credit in Developing Economies: A Review of Recent Evidence." (with Jon Robinson and David Sungho Park). Working Paper [pdf].
  • "The Impact of Mobile Phones: Experimental Evidence from the Random Assignment of New Cell Towers." (with Niall Keleher, Arman Rezaee, Erin Troland). Working Paper [pdf].
  • "Digital Credit: A Snapshot of the Current Landscape and Open Research Questions." (with Eilin Francis and Jon Robinson). BREAD Working Paper No. 516 [pdf].

Journal Articles

Conference Articles (Peer Reviewed)